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The COVID Years

2020 - 2022

gold ornamental design 08

Oh, yes... COVID... (sigh)


I'll readily admit that, despite my comfortable relationship with silence and solitude (as an ambivert), feeling STUCK at home is something entirely different from CHOOSING to stay at home. So, I certainly struggled with the anxiety created by the COVID lockdown and its after effects, especially as someone who doesn't stress about much, which (oddly) probably only augmented the overall experience for me.


But, this anxiety did something interesting and important for my work as well, forcing me to return to my roots, of Automatic Drawing, and forcing me to find center once again, using experience as an informed lens for evaluating the outflow of impressions.


Still, one of the trickiest parts about Automatism is actually providing titles for the work, which first requires deciphering whether an image is pregnant with meaning, or, if it purely means what it says on the surface.


In fact, even the most obvious details are often only intimations of meaning (narratives within a broader narrative) that can easily be misunderstood if isolated from other details. After all, just like the event of life, every variable involved plays an important role in presenting the subject or idea, collectively providing clues that help to tell the story.

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a surrealistic depiction of inquiry and resolve, portrayed as conjoined personas that exhibits both darkness and light

A Look Inside


a depiction of the creative mechanism as it encounters a mental block, conveyed by a large black shape with its blunted side facing the surrealistic human subject

Mental Block


a surrealistic depiction of surfacing melancholy, conveyed through a morphing face holding two distinct expressions

Inside Out


a resigned scribble and a happy face, on top of an unfinished drawing

A Happy Ending


an uninhibited scribble that abstractly developed through loose interpretation and by adding color

Something from Nothing


a surrealistic depiction of a woman in an enclosed space that seems to echo her emotional state

Echo Chamber


a psychological machination, situated in an tranquil landscape, which seamlessly exhibits the employment of two psychoanalytic techniques; automatism and association

Pandemic Relief


an expressionistic and surreal depiction of a person disintegrating as a consequence of verbal abuse

The Compound Effect


a surrealistic depiction of a person in meditation, finding their way through a chaotic moment

Presence of Mind


an abstract and surrealistic depiction of perception's unreliability

The Vagaries of Perception


a symbolic and surrealistic depiction of the automatic drawing process, which only reveals itself (as visual impressions) through the physical act of drawing

The Entrance Door


an abstract depiction of the true cost of production... Analysis, Labor and Waste, which is often unrecognized (by consumers) in the creation of art

Analysis, Labor and Waste


an abstract depiction of newfound hope, emanating from a diminishing sense of menace



an unrefined example of the surrealist and psychoanalytic technique of automatism (random mark making)

A Roadmap to Nowhere


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