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A Roadmap to Nowhere


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Ballpoint Pen and Prismacolor on Paper


7.5 x 8.75 inches


Currently Available


$1,500 (includes framing)


This drawing was actually created as a meditation, deliberately produced in defiance of a stifling listlessness that, although originally triggered by the COVID lockdown, would occasionally resurface without warning, like the aftershock of an earthquake.

However, even more important than the why (in this instance) is the what, because this drawing is a perfect, unrefined example of psychic automatism, as it is intended in psychoanalysis.

It is an unfiltered and unguided release of spontaneous impulses, executed without restraint, rational guidance or any purpose other than to start and finish a piece in one sitting (as part of a disciplined practice).

Of course, this doesn't mean that the work is without meaning; but instead, that its meaning remains obscured, like a dream that leaves an impression on you upon waking, even though you can't pinpoint why.

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