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Pandemic Relief


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Ballpoint Pen and Prismacolor on Paper


5.5 x 8.5 inches


Currently Available


$2,500 (includes framing)


"Pandemic Relief" is both a play on words and a literal description of what this drawing truly represents... a cathartic release.

Conceptually, the seed for this piece was planted by the issuing of government funds, during the pandemic. But, in reality... this drawing  manifested as a concrete example of  Automatism and Association, converging in the seamless execution of an honest and spontaneous visual dialogue that is both ineffable (beyond words) and inexplicable (beyond description).

This drawing was certainly created as part of my coping process, pursued as a mechanical preoccupation while acknowledging and trying to manage an influx of frenzied emotions (such as uneasiness, anxiety, and frustration) that were produced by the mandated COVID lockdown and its after-effects.

There is no real rhyme or reason for the composition. Although, there is a sense of symmetry that was undoubtedly transferred (or projected) as the result of trying to "compartmentalize" the confusion; not only keeping it contained, but also in perspective... as a temporary obstacle; recognizing that there is still a horizon... and life beyond this moment.

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