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Red Sink and Water


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Red Ballpoint Pen on Paper


2.5 x 4 inches


Surrealism (Automatism and Association)


Having officially ventured into a new drawing medium, with ballpoint pens, Red Sink and Water was an effort to develop a comfort with ink and actually started as an imaginary still life, with nails piercing three curious objects that resemble fruit.

However, after adding a broken spout with water pouring out of it, and, because of my use of red ink, Association kicked in and conjured memories of times bent over a sink, tending to a bloody nose.

In the dry climate of West Texas, nosebleeds were a common occurance for me, every summer, and this drawing (which is now framed and hanging in my studio) became a permanent record of those moments.


Available for Purchase


$450 (framed)

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