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The Wounded Couple


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an ambiguous depiction of a  couple behind windows, looking out into a landscape filled with echoes of heartache
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Ballpoint Pen, Prismacolor and Graphite on Paper


4.5 x 8 inches


Currently Available


$900 (includes framing)


Because there are so many ways of interpreting this image, it doesn't feel right to detract from the experience of it by offering an immediate interpretation of my own.

Although, I also don't think it will hurt to wonder, out loud, if the windows are the real subject here; whether providing a layer of protection from the outside world, or as oppressive structures that the couple can't escape.

Either way, there are certainly echoes of heartache throughout this entire piece. And, depending on the storyline you accept, those echoes can be symbolic of a painful history, projections of irrational fear, or even just a simple evaluation of possible consequences (from decisions not yet made).

Ultimately though, this is a great conversation piece that says a lot, but not explicitly... and I certainly hope you enjoy the mystery as much as I do.

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