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collection of evocative and surrealistic impressions that feel like a puzzle to be solved
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Oil on Canvas Panel


8 x 10 inches


Currently Available


$2,500 (includes framing)


Because perception is relative, our encounters and interpretations of events can vary, contributing to the experience of our own realities; but, not necessarily telling the truth (which is only ever singular).

"Spectra" explores this concept through jarring juxtaposition, intentionally introducing contrasting elements that are part of their own separate narratives;. Although, they may also play a role in an overarching storyline, depending on how the work is interpreted.

From a psychological standpoint then, the story you tell about this piece is what truly matters, because it connects to experiences that only you will understand. So, objectively... your interpretation is the real truth of the work, as it was intended (to be yours... and as part of a spectrum).

Still, I won't exaggerate "the truth" by saying that this painting was intentionally conceptual, because it wasn't. It was composed just as spontaneously as any of my automatic drawings; except that, in attempting to tap into a broad emotional spectrum, the work's substance started to develop into something else... into something that felt more like a poem, of sorts, which is not confined to a single interpretation; allowing the work to remain it's own reality, but not necessarily a single truth.

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