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Only Remnants


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a seemingly layered collection of shapes and vague markings that feel like fragments of stories, but not a complete story
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Ballpoint Pen, Prismacolor and Highlighter on Paper


5 x 7.5 inches


Currently Available


$450 (includes framing)


In all honesty, this drawing was nearly omitted from this collection, because much of it actually feels like the remnants of some question that has already been resolved, a moment that is vaguely remembered, or an experience that was even lost in translation (between impulse and expression).

But, the more I thought about it... I finally had to come to terms with the fact that pieces like this still play an important role in my creative process, even when I experience them as half-told stories or lingering impressions. They still inform the creative mechanism in a way that only the act of "doing" can, enabling both consciousness and the unconscious to identify and tie up loose ends, perhaps even providing an amicable conclusion where closure was needed (for the sake of clearing the psychological landscape).

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