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an amalgam and pure psychic automatism that is beyond concrete description
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Ballpoint Pen and Prismacolor on Paper


6.75 x 8.75 inches


Currently Available


$2,000 (includes framing)


Despite my own fascination with this drawing, I was compelled to title this piece "LBx31" because the work seems to reside just beyond my comprehension; almost like dipping your hand in water that is the exact same temperature as your body. It's almost imperceptible, except for the slightest pressure it exerts on the surface of your skin.

Somehow, I experience this image in much the same way, as if its static impression is such an accurate depiction of my psychological makeup and so perfectly in sync with my brain's active rhythm that it hardly registers. I know it's there, and it feels comfortable. But, I only perceive its surface; a confluence of unprocessed impressions, with letter characters and numbers that are nothing more than shapes, contributing only accents to the composition.

Although, I have also wondered if timing, and the very mechanical process of drawing provided an unexpected gateway that ultimately enabled my anima (my feminine aspect) to finally reveal herself, as an introduction from deep within, as she barely emerges from the wormhole of my consciousness.

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